The Kashmir Dispute 1947–2012

Volume 1

Author by : A.G. Noorani


Language: English

304 Pages

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About the Book

The Kashmir Dispute 1947–2012 is a book in two volumes which traces the complex history of the long-standing dispute, and the political discontent and dissent surrounding it – relating especially to the question of the accession of the state of Jammu and Kashmir to the Union of India. Volume 1 comprises a critical and insightful introduction by the author based on recently published material, as well as a selection of both archival and contemporary documents, which highlight some important episodes in the history of the formation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir and provide a background to the current political reality. Through these two volumes, the author successfully brings to light many hitherto unknown or forgotten issues and facts relating to the troubled history of this state, supporting his arguments with a rigour that the readers are sure to appreciate

A.G. Noorani
Noorani or Ghafoorbhai, as he was more popularly known, was a polymath and much more. One of the sharpest minds on constitutional law and a prolific writer on a range of subjects, he had a deep sense of justice and was committed to secularism, equity, and progressive ideas. His repertoire of writing spanned domestic politics, jurisprudence as well as international relations, contemporary as well as historical.

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