Making History: Agency, Structure, and Change in Social Theory

(Historical Materialism Series)

Author by : Alex Callinicos


Language: English

341 Pages

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Price INR 595.0 Price USD 29.75

About the Book

Making Historyis about the question-central to social theory-of how human agents draw their powers from the social structures they are involved in. Drawing on classical Marxism, analytical philosophy, and a wide range of historical writings, Alex Callinicos seeks to avoid two unacceptable extremes-dissolving the subject into an impersonal flux, as poststructuralists tend to-and treating social structures as the mere effects of individual action (for example, rational-choice theory). Among those discussed are Althusser, Anderson, Benjamin, Brenner, Cohen, Elster, Foucault, Giddens, Habermas, and Mann. Callinicos has written an extended introduction to this new edition that reviews developments sinceMaking Historywas first published in 1987. This republication gives a new generation of readers access to an important intervention in Marxism and social theory.

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