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LeftWord Books
वाम प्रकाशन
Tulika Books
Aakar Books
Dev Publishers
Much about Comrade Sitaram Yechury (1952-2024) is publicly well-known – the beginnings of his public life in the students’ movement; his leadership of the Students’ Federation of India and the JNU stu
Blogger: Leftword
Published on 02 December 2024
Right-wing ideologies and movements are on the rise globally. We are surrounded by fake news, distorted narratives, and spurious theories. Rationality and scientific thinking are under attack. In this
Published on 29 January 2025
May Day Bookstore and Jana Natya Manch (Janam) invite you for a book discussion on The Many Lives of Syeda X written by Neha Dixit. The discussion will be conducted by Indrani Mazumdar. ...