Cultural Politics of Modern India

Author by : Ajay Gudavarthy


Language: English

246 Pages

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About the Book

Cultural Politics of Modern India is about the interface between cultural representations, images and discourses and their interface with politics, including electoral and institutional. It traces the current processes involving various subaltern groups including the dalits, Muslims, OBCs, rural and urban poor and broadly argues that while they are being gradually being included in the policy frame, they are also getting inextricably entangled into various kinds of intra-subaltern conflicts. The nature of intra-subaltern conflicts in effect will influence the health of democracy in India. The book focuses on issues that include education, culture and community, Dalit politics, formation of smaller states, citizenship and democracy in India, Left in India, Rise of the Right and the Modi phenomenon and AAP and graft. Ajay Gudavarthyis currently Assistant Professor at Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. His areas of interest include political theory, human rights, critical discourses of civil society, Indian Politics and Contemporary political movements. His published work includesRe-Framing Democracy and Agency(edited) (Anthem, London, 2012),Politics of Post-Civil Society(Sage, Delhi, 2013) andMaoism, democracy and Globalisation(Sage, Delhi, 2014). He is currently editing a volume titledDemocracy and Revolutionary Violence. He was earlier visiting faculty with Goldsmiths, London University, CISRUL, University of Aberdeen, and Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Gottingen University. His future research involves a comparative analysis of four global movements including the Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring, Brazilian Spring and India against Corruption (IAC).

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