Status of Adivasis/Indigenous Peoples Land Series-5: Assam

Status of Adivasis

Author by : Luke Daimary

Aakar Books 2012

Language: English

103 Pages

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Price INR 175.0 Price USD 15.0

About the Book

Assam’s tribal indigenous communities have been subjected to massive violations of their rights to land and other resources. These communities practicse jhum (shifting) cultivation in the hilly areas and in the plains, wet cultivations. Highlandsers who exclusively practice shifting cultivation have a system of communal ownership of their land, with the clan chief distributing plots of land for jhuming. The author discusses in detail the main threats to indigenous communities. The migrants from Bangladesh and parts of India have occupied very large areas of indigenous lands. Takeover of lands for infrastructure, industry, military and other projects has also adversely affected the indigenous communities. Communal lands have been diverted to these projects without any form of consultation or legal process. The forest laws have been used to expand reserved forests across Assam, further depriving indigenous communities of their forest rights. Jhum civilisation has been diclining, primarily as a result of restrictions placed on it by forest laws. Luke Daimaryis an Associate Professor in History. He takes an intersest in triabel social issues and has presented several research papers at national and regional seminars. Currently, he is engaged in project work on the tribal issue in Assam. Other Reports in the series: Gujarat Orissa Maharashtra Nagaland Jharkhand

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