Alladi Memorial Lectures, Vol. II Debates on Constitutional and Other Matters

Author by : Goda Raghuram

Tulika Books 2019

Language: English

244 Pages

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Price INR 695.0 Price USD 34.75

About the Book

Alladi Memorial Lectures 2: Debates on Constitutional and Other Matters is a collection of essays based on ten lectures delivered from 2005 to 2018. The lectures are reflective of the debates of the times when they were delivered, on various topics related to the Constitution, the place of the judiciary and the legal system of India. Even so, they are extremely relevant today. The contributors include judges, jurists, public figures, academics and activists. They bring their own experiences and perspectives while dealing with wide-ranging issues, like the dissolution of the legislature, freedom of expression, judicial reforms, judicial review, right to education, dilution of the liberal ideas and ideals of the makers of the Indian Constitution, the significance of the Directive Principles of State Policy, ethical and legal issues concerning the environment, secularism and democracy, and the writing styles of statesmen. The book includes a comprehensive introduction that locates the contributions of the authors. It discusses various issues that reflect the concerns of Justice Alladi Kuppuswami, the founder of The Alladi Memorial Trust, whose objective was to educate both the laity and the scholarly through these lectures on matters of the Constitution that were close to the heart of Dr Alladi Krishnaswami.


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